You know what I really don't understand? How things can just get so messed up so fast.
I mean seriously, it's just cruel. I'm not sure if it's fate messing with me, or what the deal is, but one day I'll be having the best day of my life, and the next I straight up feel like someone punched me in the side.
It's like when you have that moment where something happens that you really wish didn't happen. You have this split second wish that you could go back in time and make it never happen. But if you could do that, it never would have happened, and you wouldn't be sitting there worrying about wishing it hadn't happened. Time travel is highly confusing.
And then after that moment of wishing you could go back in time, you wish you could be in a dream. Just one of those super real dreams that when you wake up you're not sure if it really happened or it was a dream. But you know that's not true either.
Even though you don't want to admit it, that terrible, gut-wrenching feeling in your stomach is real, and you can't do anything about it.
Yeah that's pretty much the worst feeling ever. That whole situation.
And lately, I feel like that's happening a lot. I just feel like life is messing with me so bad. And I'm trying so hard to look at this positively. To tell myself that it's going to be okay, and fate always makes it work out at some point. But then I can't help but thinking about those people it doesn't work out for. Because I was always taught that everything will eventually be okay. But if that were true, we wouldn't have homeless people. There wouldn't be children starving in Africa. And yeah, I'm in neither of those extreme categories.. But things might not always turn out okay. And as depressing as that is, I've sorta come to realize it lately.
But I hate it. I hate that life can't always be the happy-go-lucky way that movies always make it out to be, and how stories you hear when you're little make it seem. I wish the world could actually be like that. But it can't.. And there really isn't anything that I can possibly do about it. I have no way of making life turn out how I want. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I believe in fate. I believe that some things are just meant to happen. I don't think you're entire life is planned out, but do think some things have to happen throughout your life. Right now, I just really hope those things turn out good, and not bad.
The Ups and Downs in the Life of Julie
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Summer Recap :)
Summer is now coming to a close.. Yeah sure I don't start school for another couple weeks, but my best friend started today.. I don't know what I'm going to do with my days now!
But on the bright side, this has been one of the best summers ever. I know everyone always says that about every single summer, but now, when I go back and look through all my summers, I realize this really is up there in like top 3.
Lets have a recap of this summer.
First, I spent a ton of time with my boyfriend/best friend Benjamin :)
The only time we didn't see each other this whole summer was when one of us was gone. It was pretty much awesome. :)
Summer this year also started off with an awesome birthday party bonfire for Mom and Micah. (We did kinda get rained on at like 3 in the morning though... But it was still fun!)
We had a great 4th of July at Emerald Downs, and got to see lots of fireworks!
Ben, Brenda, Mom, Dakota, and I went to Seattle for an Against the Grain concert, and then proceed to get Krispy Cremes and get lost trying to get home from Seattle. That was an adventuree haha.
We spent lots of time at the lake, having bonfires, swimming, playing frisbee, and just chillin!
Cori and I decided to take 2 toddlers to the zoo. (Still not our best idea, but it was a lot of fun!)
HARRY POTTER! The final Harry Potter movie premeird, and I went to the midnight showing! With my good friend Brenda Laik of coursee. :)
Ben and I (Ok well mostly Ben....) built a box, and then exploded it, just because we could. :)
Gabe, Nicole and I cracked open a Coconut! The pieces are still in my freezer.. It doesn't taste good at all. I still haven't figured out what to do with them.. Hahha.
I got to attend Ben's nephew's 1st birthday party! That child is quite cute. :)
Dakota had his surprise birthday party at the Point Defiance Zoo! Him and Sara both ended up with pie all over their faces. Quite amusing.
Bryant had his going away party, which consisted of going to the mall with a huge group of people haha.
My family and I road tripped down to California. We rode quads on the sand dunes, stopped at the Sea Lion Caves, and got to visit Del Mar, and of course the beach!
And then the final big moment of my summer, getting my tattoo. :)
Yeahhh I'd have to say, this was a highly fun summer :) Thank you summer 2011, it was great.
But on the bright side, this has been one of the best summers ever. I know everyone always says that about every single summer, but now, when I go back and look through all my summers, I realize this really is up there in like top 3.
Lets have a recap of this summer.
First, I spent a ton of time with my boyfriend/best friend Benjamin :)
The only time we didn't see each other this whole summer was when one of us was gone. It was pretty much awesome. :)
Summer this year also started off with an awesome birthday party bonfire for Mom and Micah. (We did kinda get rained on at like 3 in the morning though... But it was still fun!)
We had a great 4th of July at Emerald Downs, and got to see lots of fireworks!
Ben, Brenda, Mom, Dakota, and I went to Seattle for an Against the Grain concert, and then proceed to get Krispy Cremes and get lost trying to get home from Seattle. That was an adventuree haha.
We spent lots of time at the lake, having bonfires, swimming, playing frisbee, and just chillin!
Cori and I decided to take 2 toddlers to the zoo. (Still not our best idea, but it was a lot of fun!)
HARRY POTTER! The final Harry Potter movie premeird, and I went to the midnight showing! With my good friend Brenda Laik of coursee. :)
Ben and I (Ok well mostly Ben....) built a box, and then exploded it, just because we could. :)
Gabe, Nicole and I cracked open a Coconut! The pieces are still in my freezer.. It doesn't taste good at all. I still haven't figured out what to do with them.. Hahha.
I got to attend Ben's nephew's 1st birthday party! That child is quite cute. :)
Dakota had his surprise birthday party at the Point Defiance Zoo! Him and Sara both ended up with pie all over their faces. Quite amusing.
Bryant had his going away party, which consisted of going to the mall with a huge group of people haha.
My family and I road tripped down to California. We rode quads on the sand dunes, stopped at the Sea Lion Caves, and got to visit Del Mar, and of course the beach!
And then the final big moment of my summer, getting my tattoo. :)
Yeahhh I'd have to say, this was a highly fun summer :) Thank you summer 2011, it was great.
You burn 26 calories in a one minute kiss
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I. Am. Going. Insane.
You know those times when you really just want to yell at someone until you can't anymore? I'm kinda at one of those points.
I am currently babysitting our family friends son Aidan. He is 11 years old, and has one of the worst cases of Only-Child-Syndrome I have ever seen. In his mind, everything that he says goes, and everything he does is right. He fights absolutely everything that I say, and will barely do anything that I ask him to do.
Don't get me wrong, when I'm not in charge of Aidan I enjoy being with him... For a short period of time.
But when you have to spend multiple days in charge of him, you start to go a little crazy. I can't really handle it all that much longer!
Oh and the other thing, he gives me attitude all the time. Like today.......
We were driving into down town Seattle to go to his eye doctor appointment, and I was kinda stressed, because I was trying to find parking, and find the place at the same time. So I ended up going down a couple wrong streets, and then going in a complete circle, and he has to go and start complaining about it, and whining, and giving me attitude, like "Julie you're not doing this right!" "We were already here..." "Oh my gosh Julie....." <----- That one; that one is the most annoying thing to hear ever. Cause he says it in this voice like I'm a total screw up... REALLY?????
Alright anyway, that was my venting, I feel a lot better now, and I got a post in again! Hahah. Sorry that I haven't written anything in a whileee.
At some point soon I will get a post up about our California trip last week! :)
I am currently babysitting our family friends son Aidan. He is 11 years old, and has one of the worst cases of Only-Child-Syndrome I have ever seen. In his mind, everything that he says goes, and everything he does is right. He fights absolutely everything that I say, and will barely do anything that I ask him to do.
Don't get me wrong, when I'm not in charge of Aidan I enjoy being with him... For a short period of time.
But when you have to spend multiple days in charge of him, you start to go a little crazy. I can't really handle it all that much longer!
Oh and the other thing, he gives me attitude all the time. Like today.......
We were driving into down town Seattle to go to his eye doctor appointment, and I was kinda stressed, because I was trying to find parking, and find the place at the same time. So I ended up going down a couple wrong streets, and then going in a complete circle, and he has to go and start complaining about it, and whining, and giving me attitude, like "Julie you're not doing this right!" "We were already here..." "Oh my gosh Julie....." <----- That one; that one is the most annoying thing to hear ever. Cause he says it in this voice like I'm a total screw up... REALLY?????
Alright anyway, that was my venting, I feel a lot better now, and I got a post in again! Hahah. Sorry that I haven't written anything in a whileee.
At some point soon I will get a post up about our California trip last week! :)
One in three male motorists picks their nose while driving
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Zoo Trip, Zoo Trip, Zoo Trip!!
Every time I see someone holding a baby I have a moment of thought were I just think "I want oneee!!!" Then right after that I have a moment of panic where I think "What the hell am I thinking I could not handle that!"
Cori and I decided to take my 4 and 5 year old cousins Bryce and Livi Jean to the zoo. This was a serious adventure! It was so much fun, but it involved waking up at 9 to get ready, going to pick up both kids, driving to Seattle, then wandering the zoo for like 3 hours, going back and forth to the same things like 4 times, trying to convince both of them that the fake dinosaurs wouldn't hurt them, etc. etc.
Don't get me wrong, I loved today. It was so so so much fun! I love those kids to death.... But I came home at about 6, completely drained and exhausted and basically just ready for a really long nap. I don't know how parents handle being parents, but I have soo much more respect for them after today! Kids are a handful. Anyway here are some pictures from out adventures today. Enjoy! :)
One of the many adventures at the penguins. Livi Jean got to hold a penguin egg, and she was a mermaid!

Well today, I learned for sure that I could in no way shape or form handle a child right now.
Cori and I decided to take my 4 and 5 year old cousins Bryce and Livi Jean to the zoo. This was a serious adventure! It was so much fun, but it involved waking up at 9 to get ready, going to pick up both kids, driving to Seattle, then wandering the zoo for like 3 hours, going back and forth to the same things like 4 times, trying to convince both of them that the fake dinosaurs wouldn't hurt them, etc. etc.
Don't get me wrong, I loved today. It was so so so much fun! I love those kids to death.... But I came home at about 6, completely drained and exhausted and basically just ready for a really long nap. I don't know how parents handle being parents, but I have soo much more respect for them after today! Kids are a handful. Anyway here are some pictures from out adventures today. Enjoy! :)
Heading to the zoo! It was raining and Bryce thought he would get wet in the car....
Dinosaur exhibit! They were both terrified at first..
This is probably my favorite picture of the day even though it's washed out...
Merry-Go-Round! Bryce and I decided to make faces...
The blow dryer provided a lot of entertainment....
Last adventure that the penguins! Good way to finish off the dayy!
It is said the average person speaks only 10 minutes a day
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