Sunday, April 17, 2011


I officially have 38 days left of high school. I cannot wait! Almost done! And then it's summer. Well I guess there is more time than 38 days, because that's not including weekends, but still! So little school left! Ahhhh it just can't end soon enough. I am sooo sick of high school. And all I have to do to reach that magically little thing called graduation, is pass my English class. Though there is the challenge. You see, there is this disease going around my school. It's called Senioritis. And I have caught it. Shoot I haven't just caught it, I have a terrible case of it! Symptoms of this terrible disease include, loss of interest in classes, inability to do homework, becoming easily distracted, a lack of ability to listen to teachers. Yeah it's real bad. All underclassmen reading this post.... AVOID CATCHING SENIORITIS! You will regret it. As for passing English, I will manage. I probably won't get the best English grade I've ever gotten, but I will pass the class, and I hope to pull off a B at lowest.

Anyway, quick track update and then I think I'll be done. I'll keep this post short and sweet.
I now officially have a 9 foot PR :) It's kind of awesome. This was one of the best things I have ever accomplished. And now, I just need to keep getting that PR up, and it's off to state! :) I plan on getting 9' 6'' on Thursday. It will be great. So I don't actually have a picture of my clearing 9, but I got 4th place at that meet, sooo this is the best I can do for a picture. :)

The U.S. Government spent $277,000 on pickle research in 1993
Oh! P.S. I passed my culminating project! A lot of stress over very little. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Worlds Best Medicine

Laughter is possibly one of the best things in the entire world. No matter how bad of a mood you are in, if someone can make you laugh your day is better, if only slightly. I'm pretty sure everyone needs to have a good laugh now and then, or something is seriously wrong. Luckily for me, I'm the type of person who never stops laughing. And I have real laughter too. Not that fake stuff that you do when everyone else is laughing and you don't want to be left out. The good stuff is the kind that leaves you rolling on the floor, holding onto your sides because you feel like they are going to explode. I don't know where the world would be without laughter. It's the worlds best medicine. Even better then ice cream! 
And now I guess it's finally time to write about my favorite girls. :) This list is slightly shorter then the boys, but I love these girls just as much.
 So I guess Johanna is first. Okay calling her Johanna is weird. This is Mom. That stupid nickname has stuck since like the beginning of summer, and it just fits so perfect. She is my best friend. I really really hope she stays my best friend too, because I love this woman to death. I've gone through a few girl best friends throughout my life, and this girl has really stuck. She is pretty much there for me all the time, and somehow always has advice when I need it. No matter what the heck is going on, she can help me out. Plus she just makes my day to be around! Our crazy stupid adventures, all the stupid crap we say when we are together, it's all just freaking awesome. What I would do without Mom I'm really not sure.
Next up comes Cori. Yes she is my sister. But since she started doing sports with me, we have gotten really close, and she has become one of my best friends. Sure I hate her so much sometimes that I want to punch her in the face, but that's just sometimes. Most of the time I love her to death. She's the one person I can hang out with basically whenever, since we live together. And she almost always wants to do all the random crap I want to! I have so much fun with this girl. Plus when we hang out with everyone else, she gets more crap then I do, so it makes me feel a bit better about myself. :) Just kidding Coriiii! I love you! And shoot this girl puts up with me a lot, and really appreciate that. I am very sorry for all the PMS that you have to deal with. It comes with being my sister. I love youuuuuu!
And last but not least Holly. So I seem to be drifting apart from this girl, but she is still one of my favorite people ever. I kinda miss her a lot actually. The best thing about Holly though, is that even though I feel like we are drifting, as soon as we hang out, it's like that never happened. We are just like we always have been. Holly and I have one of the weirdest relationships ever. We are really close, yet we don't really ever acknowledge that. Yet I can have so much fun with this girl. From spending endless amounts of time driving to random places like Puyallup to sitting in hockey locker rooms with random boys from the team, we do some insane stuff. And I would never ever trade those times for anything. They are some of my best memories. And Holly is one of those people I can go to with anything that I need to get off my chest, and she will never tell anyone. I could trust her with anything.

Again, like with the boys I could say sooo much more about any of these girls, but I think I'll stop with that. I hope they appreciate the time I took to talk about them :) Hahaha. Love all of you!

Women wishing to enter Canada to work as strippers must provide naked photos of themselves   to qualify for a visa
