Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer Recap :)

Summer is now coming to a close.. Yeah sure I don't start school for another couple weeks, but my best friend started today.. I don't know what I'm going to do with my days now!
But on the bright side, this has been one of the best summers ever. I know everyone always says that about every single summer, but now, when I go back and look through all my summers, I realize this really is up there in like top 3.
Lets have a recap of this summer.

First, I spent a ton of time with my boyfriend/best friend Benjamin :)

The only time we didn't see each other this whole summer was when one of us was gone. It was pretty much awesome. :)

Summer this year also started off with an awesome birthday party bonfire for Mom and Micah. (We did kinda get rained on at like 3 in the morning though... But it was still fun!)

We had a great 4th of July at Emerald Downs, and got to see lots of fireworks!

Ben, Brenda, Mom, Dakota, and I went to Seattle for an Against the Grain concert, and then proceed to get Krispy Cremes and get lost trying to get home from Seattle. That was an adventuree haha.

We spent lots of time at the lake, having bonfires, swimming, playing frisbee, and just chillin!

Cori and I decided to take 2 toddlers to the zoo. (Still not our best idea, but it was a lot of fun!)

HARRY POTTER! The final Harry Potter movie premeird, and I went to the midnight showing! With my good friend Brenda Laik of coursee. :)

Ben and I (Ok well mostly Ben....) built a box, and then exploded it, just because we could. :)

Gabe, Nicole and I cracked open a Coconut! The pieces are still in my freezer.. It doesn't taste good at all. I still haven't figured out what to do with them.. Hahha.

I got to attend Ben's nephew's 1st birthday party! That child is quite cute. :)

Dakota had his surprise birthday party at the Point Defiance Zoo! Him and Sara both ended up with pie all over their faces. Quite amusing.

Bryant had his going away party, which consisted of going to the mall with a huge group of people haha.

My family and I road tripped down to California. We rode quads on the sand dunes, stopped at the Sea Lion Caves, and got to visit Del Mar, and of course the beach!

And then the final big moment of my summer, getting my tattoo. :)

Yeahhh I'd have to say, this was a highly fun summer :) Thank you summer 2011, it was great.

You burn 26 calories in a one minute kiss
