Monday, February 28, 2011

I Open at the Close

I guess you could say that my high school career is really starting to come to a close now. Today is the beginning of the end.
We now interrupt this post to bring you a brief message relating to my statement "Today is the beginning of the end." That really makes me think of Harry Potter and the whole message in the snitch "I open at the close". I'm kinda obsessed. And if you think about it this is really and opening and a closing. High school ending is my closing, and because that's closing the rest of my life is opening! Anyway we now return you to the main post.
Slightly bittersweet.... It's the first day of track season. :) I could not be happier, but it really just hit me about 10 minutes ago that my high school life is closing.  Once this season is over, I have a few weeks left in high school. Then it's off into the unknown... Man I'm not completely sure if I'm ready for this. Way to much to think about and not enough time! For now though, track is the focus of my life!
Average Day for Julie
6:17-Wake up and get ready
7:00ish-Leave for school
7:30-2:10-School (Which involves weight training where I am doing lifts to help with track)
2:10-2:30-Enjoy my few moments of doing nothing
2:30-5:30ish(Sometimes as late as 6 or 6:30)-TRACKKKK! 
7ish-Homework if I have any; working on strength building if I don't (For track)
Hopefully around 9 or 9:30-Bedddd.
See what I mean? GIANT parts of my day are for track, or track training. Man I'm dedicated. :P But that's exactly what I'm gonna need to be if I'm gonna get to state!
That is where I plan to be competing this year. Mt. Tahoma Stadium. I will compete there twice actually. Districts May 20th and May 21st and then state May 27th and May 28th! Oh how I just can't wait. For now though, the training continues. Today's workout.... 8 Minute Abs. Next, fitness test with the sprinters. That was challenging. And it bothers me that it was that hard, but oh well. Then more abs. Then some line jumping stuff with the jumpers. Followed by scorpion things that Dusty introduced us too. Next, it was up to the weight room for sumo squats, around the worlds, push ups, and some other squatting. Swing up drills came next, along with ground drills to build the core strength for the swing up drills. Almost done now! Did some shoulder work, some back muscle training, more squatting and nowwww we are on the last one! Finished off the workout by trying to train the absolute lowest abs you can get, which was literally close to impossible.
Wow that was a good 7 lines just describing my workout. Told you I was working hard! And the hard work will continue, all the way up until I complete my goal. State baby, state. It all comes down to that. I now leave you with this random fact (This is going to become my new way of ending my amazing little posts.)

The can opener was invented 48 years after the can.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sharpie Art

So everyone knows about those Sharpie commercials that make Sharpies seem so awesome right? Well it's true. Sharpies are possibly the most fun thing ever. And all I had to work with was a black one!

This is Sams Koi fish/Ying Yang tattoo. I free hand drew that. I'm quite proud of it actually. Pretty much my best accomplishment of the day. Actually that is a false statement. Below, is my best accomplishment of the day.
Melissa's entire leg became my canvas. Though she did start it on her own, it was with my help that this entire thing came to life. Oh the fun of a Sharpie! Not only did I draw on Sam and Melissa, but I gave Brittany and myself some nice art. 

The one in the middle was the first thing I drew on myself. Then later I added the little moon design from the right picture. My leg is the one with the jeans. Then Brittany liked it so I did one for her too! Now we have matching Sharpie tattoos. Oh and Brittany has the Ying-Yang sign like the middle picture on her wrist. I guess I just got a little carried away with all this Sharpie fun.
Although you could just call this enjoying life. Enjoying the little things in life, to be more accurate. That's one of those things that I think everyone should do. You should be able to take something simple (like a plain black Sharpie and a slightly boring Saturday) and turn it into something fun and amazing! Hopefully this is one of those skills that sticks with me forever. Because I sure don't know what I would do if Sharpies were just used as they were intended.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Around and Around They Go!

It's possible that I have a problem.. I have an obsession with these little swirly things I keep drawing. I have now drawn them on my face for a photo shoot (Exhibit A), on my boyfriend because I was bored, (Exhibit B), on my own wrist, (I don't have a picture for that one cause I washed it off), and on a thank you card at church (Again I don't have a picture for that one).
They just look so coooool! And I never ever get bored of drawing them. Yeah I'm pretty sure this counts as a problem. 
Lets add the ink I had on my arm, to the ink that Tori put on my leg and arm drawing on me in third period yesterday, and I have a high chance of getting ink poisoning or something. Really not good for me, but oh wellll.
And on a side note, I have now given up on figuring out this whole blog thing. Well making it look cool at least. So I'm pretty content with how it looks right now. It's not changing any time soon.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Well Aren't I Just Challenged?

Soo I guess I should start off by saying I am literally blog retarded.
I have only started this, because Jessica got me totally addicted to reading hers, and for some reason it sounded fun to me.
Anywayy next order of business...
HI! :)
I feel this is a fairly good describer of me. Pretty much just crazy. When it comes to what the world thinks, I really don't care much. I'm me, and that's how it's gonna be. So right before I started typing this, I had a few thoughts on what I could write this about, then I started typing and everything just went away. Talk about a brain fart... But at some point I will think of something more interesting to post. For now, I will just get back to stressing myself out over how to make my blog look good, and how to work this thing in general. Oh man...