Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Silver Linings

Well since this is called the Ups and Downs in the Life of Julie I guess I'm gonna have to eventually say some of the downs. So here comes my first DOWN post. (Hopefully it's not to bad, I'll try to find the silver lining as I go)
So to start, culminating project is coming up.

My stress level is very high because of this. I have basically been done for the last like month and a half, but I'm still scared out of my mind... I just want it to be doneee. I really wish I could skip the whole presenting part. I don't do well speaking in front of people. But the silver lining here..... Once I finish this, I will only have to pass English and I can officially graduate high school! And then it's off into the great unknown that is the rest of my life.
Second I have learned recently that hurting people is the worst thing in the entire world. Not hurting physically, but emotionally. Like it really sucks to get hurt, but hurting people is even worse... It kinda just makes you feel like a terrible person. And lately I feel like I have been unintentionally hurting people, even if it's only a small amount. And it's really starting to blow. I feel terrible. And sadly I can't find a silver lining to this one..
Next up is crying.

I am terribly sick of the massive amount of upset tears that seem to get spilled when you are of the female gender... It's like we have an endless water supply and we have to just get rid of some of it by crying! And it's not fun. It causes blotchy skin, red puffy eyes, and headaches. It's just terrible. I guess my silver lining here is that once I cry I feel way better. 
And this may be the last one, but I am soo frustrated with pole vault and lifting. I have been stuck trying to clear 9 for way to long now. I'm going insane. And lifting wise, I have this stupid mental block that doesn't allow me to lift as much as I actually can. I'm going insane. I think that mental block is what's wrong with my vaulting too... Ugh I just have mental problems. Silver lining here, I am going to break that mental block tomorrow at my meet. I will clear 9, and there is not way I won't.
Now I guess I should end this post with something positive.
It's almost summer! I just have to make it through a little bit more, and then all stress will go away, I can relax, get tan, get a job, and just have the best summer ever. I'm highly excited.

The oldest person to ever be issued a driver's license in the U.S. was 109!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring is in the Air!

Possibly one of my favorite times of the entire year. And it is finally here! :) I love sitting outside in the sun (The few times that we have it), listening to the birds sing, the smell of the rain when it hits cement, falling asleep with rain hitting my window, puddle jumping, watching all the flowers bloom, the smell of fresh cut grass as people actually start mowing their laws.... shoot this list could probably go on and on so I think I'll stop. I just LOVE spring! And Washington has actually decided to have spring now. It came, and I am very happy about this. I mean just look at how pretty this is!

Love it!

Hmmm love. That really is an interesting thing. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. And I realized I say I love a lot of things, and people. And normally those are true statements. It's amazing how much love you can have and can share. For sure I could list about 10 people that I love so much I couldn't live without them. I already gave my list of my 4 favorite boys, though there are a few I could have added to that list. I guess I never really talked about my favorite girls. There are only a few there, but I will give them their own post later. 
Anywayyyy, I am starting to feel like I'm rambling now, because I really just wanted to talk about spring. I haven't posted for awhile and I feel like I really need to. So this is my short and sweet post. The End!

Crocodiles tongues are attached to the roof of their mouth!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams

So I guess you could say I have an obsession with dreams. I think they are the coolest things in the entire world. You're imagination just takes over while you sleep, and can create an entire world you could never have thought of while you were awake. Scratch that, it just comes more to life when you're asleep. You want a flying hippo that gives you 3 wishes everyday, and can travel you through time? Well in a dream you can have it. And they feel so real. Well mine do at least. I always have those days that I wake up, and don't remember if I dreamed something, or if it actually happened. Hopefully in college I can find a class about dreams. I would love to learn more about them.

Favorite dream lately- 
Me and Ben are driving down Kent Kangely at night, and it's extremely clear out. Ben is driving, (though I'm not sure where the car came from, because it's some kind of car my mind made up) and I'm laying with the seat all the way back looking out the window at the stars. Ben then tells me to watch this, and tilts his head back and blows the roof of the car away. Well not really the roof, just the solid part of it. So now there is still a roof, you can just see through it to the stars outside. At this point, I sort of start freaking out because this is so cool. The entire roof is a sunroof. And then I was just laying the seat staring up at the stars for the rest of the drive. I'm not really sure where we were going, or when the drive ended, because my dream changed soon after this, but I was totally absorbed in the stars for the rest of the dream.
I'm pretty sure I have been thinking about this dream since I had it. I can't get over how cool it was. The fact that you could just blow away the roof and look at the sky. And the stars were perfect in the dream too. Super clear and bright, and just really really pretty.
I guess that's my other obsession right now. Stars. There's something else I want to learn more about. Hmm list of things to learn about in college....
  • Stars/Planets
  • Dreams
  • Genes (The kind in your body not on your legs)
  • Sharks
  • Animals in general
I think that's it. Well for now. Eventually I think of more random things I want to know more about. Anyway, I think it's about time that I go and have some more dreams.

More than 6,000 people with pillow-related injuries check into U.S. emergency rooms every year


Friday, March 4, 2011

Eat and eat and eat!

So I am currently sitting on my couch.... at 11:30 at night..... watching TV while I wait for my water to boil. Why am I boiling water you may ask? Because I am starving. I want pasta, and so now I am making it. Another question you may be asking at this moment, would be why the heck is this weirdo hungry at 11:30 at night? Well it's official. Track season has really started. :) Only during track do I eat enough to feed an entire African village. Ope now I have my pasta! :) I am so content with my life.
I have had so much food lately it's insane. 4 pieces of French toast for dinner, Cup-A-Noodle at Jarreds, then cupcakes at Jarreds, and now noodles. This is just since I got home from track practice. I had 2 lunches today as well, 2 yesterday and massive amounts of other food throughout the day. Gotta love burning off all my calories vaulting! :)
Which P.S. was terrible today. Ok well maybe not terrible. Just really really cold hahah. We got dumped on! So much rain in a small amount of timee! I think Cori might hate me now. I told her vaulting would be fun. But she has never had to practice outside before. Sucks for her! Hahha.
Anyway this entire post was not meant to be about food. It just started out that way because it was on my mind since I was hungry. I'm actually not entirely sure what this post will be about. I just felt the need to post since I hadn't in a few days.
Hmm so I have decided to make it my personal goal to not talk about pole vault all the time during these posts. This could be a challenge since that is the majority of my life, but I'll try.
Oh! I now have something to talk about! Actually a couple things.
#1. I want my own house!
So I love my family to death, but I'm kinda ready to be out. To bad I don't have a job. If I had a job I totally would attempt to find a place to live. Which is actually a plan that is currently in place! As soon as summer comes and I can get a job, me and Johanna want to be roommates! Hopefully this plan actually falls into place. Because that would be totally amazing!
#2. These boys.
Samuel & Dakota
I'm not sure why I feel the need to write about these boys, but they are my best friends so I feel they need to be talked about.
First up is Benjamin. Oh man this boy kinda makes my life. :) He is not only my best friend, but he's my boyfriend as well. And he pretty much makes me real happy like basically all the time. We kinda spend most of our time together, and I still never get bored of him. We do stupid stuff, and always have a good time. He manages to put up with me when I'm insanely pissy, deals with my mood swings and is pretty much there whenever I need him. And best part of it all... him and my dad get along so insanely well! It almost scares me how much my dad likes him. But I guess that's a good thing, because I sure as heck like him. When it comes down to it I kinda don't think I could live without him. And hopefully he already knows that! 
Next up would be Brenda.  This boy is also another huge part of my life. And that part grows everyday. Brenda is possibly one of the funniest people I have ever met in my entire life. No matter what my mood is he manages to make me smile. I have some of the best times with him ever, and I love that he's always there to listen to me if I really need him. This kid is my ASS (Almost Step Sister). This term is only applied because out families are insanely connected, and me and Holly are close to him, and we are almost step sisters, so he became one too. And it makes me laugh every time still. Yay for awesome friends named Brenda. :)
Now we move on to Sam and Dakota. I'm not exactly sure which one of them to do first, since I used a picture they were both in. But that picture was just so funny I had to use it!
I guess I'll go with Dakota first (Samuel please do not be offended, I just did and Ennie-Meanie-Minnie-Moe to decide) Dakota is one of those people that I never would have thought I would be this close with. Way back in Sophomore year, he drove me insane. He spent all his time hitting on me, and it was quite odd. Yet now the kid is another one of my best friends! We got past all the weird pick-up lines, and awkwardness, and now we are very close. Dakota's another one of those people that makes my day all the time. Some of the times we have had are fairly odd, but honestly what in my life isn't? Dakota brings entertainment into my life, and I appreciate that a lot. And shoot when him and Sam team up, all hell breaks loose. But it's just so entertaining that it's okay. :)
Now finally, Samuel. This boy has been my best friend for my entire life. We used to live by each other, and spend almost everyday together. Then they moved, we didn't talk for a bit, and BAM! High school hit. And what do you know, fate brought us back together. Me and Samuel have been best friends since forever I guess. And I love it. Samuel is there whenever I need him. This could be for a a good laugh, or to talk about something. But whatever it is, Sam does his best to help me out. And plus, his family loves me! We are like brother and sister (Brothers according to either of us, but that's just because Sam calls me a man) and his family sure treats me like part of the family. I basically live at Sam's, and I love it. The kid has been there forever, and I am so sure will be my friend forever. :)

I'm not entirely sure where the need to talk about my best friends came from, but I hope they appreciate it. And I know I could still say so much more about any of them, it's just getting late, so my brain function is lowering. I also know I had a point 3 I was going to talk about, but I have forgotten what that was now. As soon as I remember though, I will be sure to post it! Anyway, now I believe it's random fact time. (This one is for you Sam!)

The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches by the he/she graduates from high school.

P.S. I just realized that my posts are slowly getting longer and longer. Hahaha. This is odd. Oh welllll.