Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams

So I guess you could say I have an obsession with dreams. I think they are the coolest things in the entire world. You're imagination just takes over while you sleep, and can create an entire world you could never have thought of while you were awake. Scratch that, it just comes more to life when you're asleep. You want a flying hippo that gives you 3 wishes everyday, and can travel you through time? Well in a dream you can have it. And they feel so real. Well mine do at least. I always have those days that I wake up, and don't remember if I dreamed something, or if it actually happened. Hopefully in college I can find a class about dreams. I would love to learn more about them.

Favorite dream lately- 
Me and Ben are driving down Kent Kangely at night, and it's extremely clear out. Ben is driving, (though I'm not sure where the car came from, because it's some kind of car my mind made up) and I'm laying with the seat all the way back looking out the window at the stars. Ben then tells me to watch this, and tilts his head back and blows the roof of the car away. Well not really the roof, just the solid part of it. So now there is still a roof, you can just see through it to the stars outside. At this point, I sort of start freaking out because this is so cool. The entire roof is a sunroof. And then I was just laying the seat staring up at the stars for the rest of the drive. I'm not really sure where we were going, or when the drive ended, because my dream changed soon after this, but I was totally absorbed in the stars for the rest of the dream.
I'm pretty sure I have been thinking about this dream since I had it. I can't get over how cool it was. The fact that you could just blow away the roof and look at the sky. And the stars were perfect in the dream too. Super clear and bright, and just really really pretty.
I guess that's my other obsession right now. Stars. There's something else I want to learn more about. Hmm list of things to learn about in college....
  • Stars/Planets
  • Dreams
  • Genes (The kind in your body not on your legs)
  • Sharks
  • Animals in general
I think that's it. Well for now. Eventually I think of more random things I want to know more about. Anyway, I think it's about time that I go and have some more dreams.

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  1. Sooo just thought you should know, I stared for 3 hours at beautiful stars last night, part of that time was on a kayak, part was swimming in the bay and part was lying on the ship. it was probably one of the prettiest things I've laid eyes on, and I didn't even need a love interest to enjoy it. :) so i definitely understand that obsession with stars, for i have it now haha. as for the dream......... CRAZY hahaha. i laughed when you started going crazy about it, cause you would totally do that in real life too haha. :)

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. You are so lucky. I wish I could have seen that! Holy crap. I want to see it. So bad. Hahhaha. Yeahhh I woke up and kinda thought it was real for a second before I realized it couldn't have been haha.
